“Our time with Donna Underwood and the QuesTECH Family of teachers and staff has been a blessing. Our relationship began years ago with my daughter, who stressed over testing and disparately needed a higher ACT score than she was able to receive. QuesTECH was there with Donna and her calming voice on the phone telling me everything would be fine. We then found ourselves dealing with a life-changing experience. Our empty nest became home to a scared young grandchild who left a small country school and community to live in what she felt was the big city. She was familiar with QuesTECH Learning from the summer she spent working on math skills. The insecure child has now blossomed into a beautiful and confident flower.”
“QuesTECH Learning is an educational oasis for our learners as well as our faculty.”
“Before coming to QuesTECH Learning, we were told our son was at least a grade level behind his peers. He was a shy child who refused to read out loud or participate in any class activities. As a parent, it broke my heart not knowing why my smart little boy was not excelling when we knew he had the potential. We began QuesTECH during his second-grade year, although the previous school urged us to hold him back. However, we knew he could do it. Within the first month of school, we saw an amazing change in our child. He loved going to school, was upset when we picked him up early, participated in class activities, and was reading out loud! He was not behind his peers, he just wasn’t getting the encouragement and bit of extra attention he needed in certain subjects. We are so pleased with where QuesTECH Learning has taken our child. They care so much about the success of their students and they keep parents informed about every detail with their child.”